TFP Discusses Men’s Health at the White House

Research findings from The Fatherhood Project and others has shown that a man’s health affects the well-being of his children and family. The Fatherhood Project’s Dr. Ray Levy and John Badalament will be participating in the White House event Dialogue on Men’s Health on Friday, January 8th. Led by Broderick Johnson, Chair of the My …

The Impact Of Divorce: All Children Only Get One Childhood

Our partners at the MGH Clay Center recently created a blog post and podcast (below) that include tips for parenting through a divorce and an important reminder that children only get one childhood; divorce is and should be an adult problem and responsibility. (Read the blog post here.) The Clay Center’s post highlights the importance to …

Dads & Kids Family Trip to the Boston Children’s Museum!

The Fatherhood Project brought members of our Dads and Kids Activity Group and their families to the Boston Children’s Museum on Saturday, December 19th. The event was for participants of our Dads and Kids Activity Group at MGH Revere HealthCare Center. The outing was a great way for dads to engage positively with their children and …

TFP & MGH Revere Expand Dads Matter Program

Due to high enrollment, TFP’s community-based pediatric initiative, Dads Matter at MGH Revere, is expanding services for fathers & families beginning this September. In order to accommodate the increasing number of fathers showing up to our Dads and Kids (0-5) Activity Group on Saturday mornings, we are adding a second Activity Group. We are excited to see so many fathers in the …

Father reading with his children at The Fatherhood Project Dads in Schools event

DID YOU KNOW…about the effects of father involvement in schools?

Research clearly shows that children benefit in many ways when their fathers are positively engaged with them. The study below highlights how early and ongoing father involvement in a school setting benefits his children long-term, especially in at-risk populations. HIGHLIGHTED STUDY McBride, Dyer & Laxman (2013) Father involvement and student achievement: variations based on demographic …