Fathers: We Must Learn From Our Children

By paying careful attention to who our kids are, we can help them realize their dreams. Most of us develop a relationship with our children beginning before they are even born. We talk to them, we imagine being involved in their lives, and we think about what they’ll be like – usually in ways that reflect …

U.S. News and World Report Partnership

Read The Fatherhood Project’s posts on the U.S. News and World Report Health/Parenting Blog: 06/08/17 Fathers as Caretakers Whether by choice or necessity, many modern dads do more to nurture their kids than their fathers did. 04/12/17 Beyond Heroes or Villains: Looking Back at Your Father’s Legacy Pen your thoughts about your father to help clarify …

Dads Make a Difference

Fathers matter. From their role in prenatal care, to how they play, communicate and act as role-models for their kids, loving, engaged dads have been shown to have profound and wide-ranging impacts on children that last a lifetime. Yet, they are often ignored, especially those in traditionally underserved populations. Our mission is to improve the …

Teen Dads: The Forgotten Parent

(Above: TFP Program Director, John Badalament, and a group of Teen Dads Program participants) Despite research demonstrating the importance of fathers for children’s social, academic, and emotional development, teen dads remain an underserved population. Most programs dedicated to low-income families and teen pregnancy focus on mothers rather than fathers. Research shows that 25% of teen …

Stories from Fathers in Substance Use Recovery

“I’ve been to a lot of [drug] treatment centers,” said Louis, a 42 year old divorced father of two and recovering addict living at Link House, a residential treatment facility in a quiet neighborhood in Newburyport, MA. “And I’d never heard of one with a father’s group. I was as eager as I was scared …