To help parents and practitioners sort through the overwhelming number of websites, blogs, and other fatherhood-related media in the search for useful resources and important research, The Fatherhood Project features an ongoing, curated selection of high quality, downloadable Videos, Audio Clips, Articles & Books, Research, and Links. Our focus for selecting feature content is on providing practical activities, useable knowledge, and powerful stories about modern fatherhood and family life.


The Fatherhood Project Podcast - 09/23/15

TFP’s Director, Dr. Ray Levy, and Program Director, John Badalament, sit down with Haji Shearer, Director of the Fatherhood Initiative at Children’s Trust and winner of MGH’s Department of Psychiatry’s Bonner Diversity Award for excellence in contributions to mental health. The discussion is about Mr. Shearer’s career and how it parallels fatherhood services in Massachusetts.

The Fatherhood Project Podcast - 09/16/15

Kyle Pruett, MD, one of the original thinkers and researchers about fatherhood speaks with Ray Levy, PsyD, Director of TFP and Professor Milton Kotelchuck, PhD, Director of Research at TFP, about recent research demonstrating the effectiveness of fatherhood, and couple interventions.

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